Deified Kami-Sama(Gods)
But, according to old-literatures, before Amatsu Shinmei Jinja founded, there used to be a small Jinja(shrine), where Ebisu-Sama was deified. Ebisu-Sama is one of Japanese Kami in ancient era., who was ruking Izumo, Shimane prefecture in present, and he came here and ruled east part of Japan. So people respected and dedicated a small Jinja to him, and that small Jinja had been called "Mouke-Myoujin" and worshiped much in a long term. In present, Amatsu Shimei Jinja, which has so great history, is being got close and worshiped as much as in past with many many people. *Shogun : a general **Bakufu : the shogunate |